Practice Appointments
Our appointment system has been updated to meet particular patients needs. If you need an appointment and it is for a minor ailment you will continue to be directed to see a Pharmacist or given an appointment with a Nurse Practitioner. If however you do need an appointment with a GP, you will be asked if you would like to see a doctor face-to-face or whether you would prefer a telephone appointment, it will be your choice. BUT please do remember we are very busy and are asking patients to choose the right appointment type so that we can focus on genuinely poorly patients . If you do choose to see a GP face-to-face please remember the following:
- All patients are required to wear a face mask when attending the surgery
- You should not come to the surgery until a couple of minutes before your appointment (to stop the waiting rooms becoming too full)
- Appointments remain in 10 minute slots and we must try to adhere to these timescales
- You MUST NOT attend the surgery if you have any COVID symptoms including a temperature, cough, loss of smell or taste (COVID rates are still high in Sunderland and we do everything we can to protect other patients and our staff)
Thank you Southlands Medical Group